News darkweb

News of the darkweb

Russian Duo Charged for Hacking Mt. Gox

Russian Duo Charged for Hacking Mt. Gox

The United States has charged two Russian nationals for their involvement in the laundering of funds acquired through the hack of the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox.
15 june 2023 ADMIN 0 2200
Silk Road Thief Sentenced to 1 Year, Gives Up $3.4 Billion in BTC

Silk Road Thief Sentenced to 1 Year, Gives Up $3.4 Billion in BTC

The US man who orchestrated a theft of more than 50,000 BTC from the original Silk Road escrow wallet in 2012 was sentenced to one year in prison on Apr. 14. James Zhong, of Georgia, managed to keep the source of his wealth a secret for nearly nine years before being identified as the thief by a Special Agent of the IRS
15 june 2023 ADMIN 0 2287
Russian admin of Try2Check Indicted

Russian admin of Try2Check Indicted

Denis Gennadievich Kulkov, a 43-year-old Russian man, has been charged for his alleged role as the administrator of Try2Check, a now-defunct card-checking platform operating on both the dark web and clearnet.
24 may 2023 ADMIN 0 595
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